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购房流程应该怎么走 Go to Forum >>0 Comments

发布日期:2025-01-02 07:05    点击次数:191

购房流程应该怎么走 Go to Forum >>0 Comments

       在房产新政调控下,从房产商(property developer)到房产中介(real estate agent/property agent),都濒临着极大的挑战。天然成交量有所下降,但高房价并莫得降些许,租房的价钱倒是一皆飙升。从买不起房到租不起房,“房奴的高唱”变得越来越狠恶!房产中介究竟是不是房钱热潮的幕后推手?收集上亦然众说纷繁。


Rents in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other major cities also saw rapid increase between January and June this year. The average rental has exceeded the average monthly incomes of many fresh college graduates and migrant workers in major cities.

Analysts are divided on the reasons behind surging rents. Some have attributed it to rising demand from fresh graduates seeking apartments for rent during the peak summer season. Others have argued that tightening measures introduced to cool the property fever in the first half pushed many potential buyers into opting for rented accommodation instead.

Still others have questioned the role of real estate agents, who, they say, may have colluded to boost profit margins by freezing the supply of homes for rent.

——Excerpt from Rental concerns

Apartment rents in China's major cities witnessed sustained growth in the first six months of the year even though property prices saw a gradual drop.

In Beijing, the average rent of an apartment rose to 2,792 yuan (US$410.6) a month in the first half of the year, a year-on-year jump of 18.5 percent, according to data from Homelink Real Estate, a leading property agent in the capital.

——Excerpt from Apartment rents jump in cities

Beijing's real estate agents are far from happy following the release of a regulatory policy in April that has knocked purchasing prices down by around 15 percent.

Chang Yongfeng, an agent with the Anhuiqiao division of Homelink Real Estate, a Beijing-based chain, told METRO the number of clients viewing apartments has risen during the last week but few are buying.

Chang said because speculators are being cut out of the market, due to strict restrictions on households purchasing more than one apartment in Beijing, his remaining customers are genuine first-time buyers.

——Excerpt from Housing agents worried by success of market policy

       上文中单独出现的"agent"指的即是咱们常说的房产“牙东谈主”,"speculators"则指“炒房者”(real estate speculator)。联系房地产词汇如下:

       不雅望 wait and see

       保险性住房 low-income housing

       三套房贷 loans for third-home purchases

       捂盘惜售 property hoarding

       蜗居 dwelling narrowness

       房地产商场 real estate market/property market

       房地产商场过热 overheated property sector

       房价 property price/housing price

       平凡购房者 private homebuyer

       首付 down payment

       分期付款 payment by installment

       月供 monthly installment payment

       廉租房 low-rent housing

       经济适用房 affordable housing

       闲置地产 vacant property

       现房 complete apartment

       期房 forward delivery housing

       商品房 commercial residential building

       计谋性住房 policy-related house

       按揭购房 buy a house on mortgage

       二手房 second-hand house

       物业税 property tax

       购宅券税 property deed tax

       印花税 property stamp duty

       囤地 land reserves

       楼层建筑面积 floor space

       塔楼 tower building

       一期/二期 first/second stage

       板楼 slab-type apartment building

       容积率capacity rate

       泊车位 parking space

       住房公积金贷款 housing provident fund/ housing accumulation fund

       房产证 property ownership certificate

       炒房者 real estate speculator

       房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate

       升值地价 added-value fees

       投契性房产交游 speculative property transactions

       房地产泡沫 property bubble

       生意地产 commercial property

       住宅地产 residential property


       地盘使用证 land use certificate

       商住抽象楼 commercial/residential complex

       地段品级 location classification

       要点成立区 key zones for development

       旧区改良 reconstruction of old area

       折旧费 depreciation allowances

       维修费 allowances for repairs and maintenance

       典质贷款欠额 unpaid mortgage balance

       便利步伐 amenities

       分租合住的经济公寓 tenement

       社区 community
